Why create a website?
“To stand on my own two feet”
In 2017, I started my master’s degree at Duke. Little did I know I was about to step into a world filled with researchers, manuscripts, data analytic programs, etc. Luckily, I was surrounded by a wonderful group of teachers, friends, and a family who helped me navigate through this complicated world. But, there comes a point where a researcher needs to stand on her own two feet. It is time to create her own research interests and create a body of work to prove to the world that she can be a sole researcher.
I reached that point when I left Harvard in 2021.
I decided to create a website to lay out my journey as an independent researcher. I am not sure how long this journey will take and if this is even the best way to do so. But, I can’t think of any other way.
So, here goes nothing!
My small hope is that this website can help someone who is going through the same process as I am.